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British (1706 - present)

Spotlighted out of 13.587 persons in the database

Kragt, Dignus "Dick"* July 18th, 1917
† July 8th, 2008

Tedder, Arthur William* July 11th, 1890
† July 3rd, 1967

Tunna, Norman* April 29th, 1908
† December 4th, 1970

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
A'Hearne, Joseph John 13-01-1945
Aaron, Arthur Louis05-03-192214-08-1943
Abbot, Fred 30-09-1944
Abbott, Albert Edward16-09-191421-09-1944
Abbott, Dennis Leigh  
Abbott, Ernest Ronald01-05-191303-05-1992
Abbott, John Herbert Ronald  
Abbott, Lionel Henry Samuel 21-09-1944
Abbott, Norman William Stanley15-07-192422-06-1944
Abbott, Roy 21-09-1944
Abbotts, Edward Bruce  
Abbs, Donald Roy  
Abecassis, George Edgar21-03-191310-12-1991
Abel, Leslie Ernest  
Abel, Robert William Paterson00-00-192523-09-1944
Abel-Smith, Henry08-03-190024-01-1993more
Abley, William Thomas  
Abou Ramadan, Abdel Salim 03-07-1941
Abraham, Brian Alfred 22-06-1943
Abrahams, Aleck 22-01-1944
Abrahamson, Harold Sidney  
Acheson, Viscount, Archibald14-01-191117-02-1966
Ackerman, G.W. 13-01-1919
Acland, Peter Bevil Edward09-07-190200-00-1993more
Acton, Charles Edward25-03-189223-12-1917
Acton, Leonard Sharples 23-11-1944
Acton, Norman 24-07-1942
Acworth, Richard Alvin "Acky"19-12-191601-03-1971
Adair, Allan Henry Shafto03-11-189704-08-1988more
Adair, Hugh24-08-192327-10-2013
Adam, George Chirrey 04-02-1943
Adam, Ian William25-05-192514-01-1945
Adam, John Caldwell 03-02-1943
Adam, Raymond Edward 24-10-1944
Adam, Robert Finlayson 22-11-1944
Adams, Andrew 22-01-1945
Adams, Andrew Alexander05-06-192108-11-1993more
Adams, Arhur Robert  
Adams, C.  
Adams, Charles Joseph 16-02-1945
Adams, Donald Frank  
Adams, Donovan Guy01-02-190103-09-1963
Adams, Frank William 31-10-1944
Adams, Frederick James 14-01-1919
Adams, Harrison Staveley 00-00-1984
Adams, Jack Sylvester11-05-1917 
Adams, James Richard Branston 18-02-1942
Adams, John "Jack"26-09-189021-06-1981more
Adams, John Alan 23-12-1942
Adams, John Stanley 30-10-1944
Adams, Kenneth Duncan 25-01-1942
Adams, Leslie Frank00-00-192024-09-1944
Adams, Norman Marcus  
Adams, Reginald Arthur  
Adams, Reginald Arthur 21-09-1944
Adams, Reginald Thomas00-12-192030-06-1942
Adams, Ronald George Hinings31-12-189628-03-1979
Adams, Stanley James 23-10-1944
Adams, William Leslie Graham20-04-190128-03-1963more
Adamson, Alexander Dalgety 21-09-1944
Adamson, Ian Ronald Atherton 05-02-1944
Adamson, Ronald William11-04-192023-07-1941
Adcock, Joseph Francis00-00-191221-09-1944
Adderley, Kenneth Edward  
Adderton, Victor  
Addington, Raymond Thomas Casamajor27-01-191928-10-2011
Addison, John Edward 03-05-1943
Addison, William Nathan12-08-191900-10-1989
Addy, William Edward 13-11-1942
Adie, Charles George  
Adkins, Ernest Edward22-06-191216-12-1965
Adshead, Charles Joseph  
Affleck, Douglas 30-01-1944
Affleck, Sidney William 30-10-1944
Agazarian, Jack Charles Stanmore27-08-191529-03-1945
Agazarian, Levon Berdj "Charles"00-00-1914 
Agazarian, Marie Monique17-04-192003-03-1933
Agazarian, Noël le Chevalier "Aggy"26-12-191616-05-1941
Ager, Peter Dennis Victor 17-06-1944
Agnew, Harold 26-01-1942
Agnew, William Gladstone02-12-189812-07-1960
Aichingson, William Leslie 23-09-1944
Aikman, Alexander  
Ainger, John Richard 00-00-1982
Ainsworth, Brian Cyrus 26-05-1943
Ainsworth, Sydney 21-10-1978
Aird, Matthew  
Aird, William  
Airey, Leslie  
Aitken, Alan Henderson 23-03-1945
Aitken, Alexander Reid 04-12-1944
Aitken, John William Maxwell, 2nd Baronet15-02-191001-05-1985
Aitken, Robert  
Aitken, William Maxwell, 1st Baron Beaverbrook25-05-187909-06-1964
Akanni, Durowade 11-07-1944
Akehurst, Arthur Maurice 30-06-1945
Akkinstal, Q.D.  
Albany, E.G.  
Albertini, Anthony Victor  
Alcock, John "Jack"04-03-191801-01-1997
Alcock, Kenneth Baldwin 05-11-1944
Alden, John Ernest05-02-191400-10-1974
Alder, Douglas Frank  
Alderson, F.H.  
Alderson, John 08-04-1945
Alderson, Thomas Hopper15-09-190328-10-1965
Alderton, Peter Henry 13-05-1943
Alderton, Richard 10-07-1943
Aldis, Alec George 06-06-1944
Aldous, Eric Stanley01-01-191816-10-1941
Aldred, Bernard George 05-01-1945
Aldred, Norman Frederick 23-09-1944
Aldridge, Alan 29-07-1942
Aldridge, Cecil Joseph 17-11-1944
Aldridge, Deryck Reginald  
Aldridge, Frank Henry 22-06-1944
Aldridge, Kenneth Arthur 21-11-1943
Aldridge, Leslie Donald 18-10-1944
Alexander, Albert V., 1st Earl A. of Hillsborough01-05-188511-01-1965
Alexander, George William 29-06-1942
Alexander, Harold Rupert Leofric George "Alex"10-12-189116-06-1969more
Alexander, James Michie 15-02-1944
Alexander, Stanley George 24-09-1944
Alford, Edward George07-03-190400-00-1987
Alford, H.  
Alford, William Carson  
Algar, Robert Henley 25-01-1945
Alkemade, Nicholas Stephen "Nick"10-12-192222-06-1987
Allaker, Kenneth Herbert 25-05-1944
Allan, John Cecil Owen 07-06-1944
Allan, John Watson "Iain"06-05-191809-07-1988
Allan, Joseph 02-11-1944
Allan, Joseph 27-09-1944
Allan, Julian Phelps22-06-189231-01-1996
Allan, Leonard Arthur  
Allard, Geoffrey20-08-191213-03-1941
Allard, Thomas Horace Eric  
Allardice, William Dallas  
Allday, Frederick Henry 26-09-1944
Allen, A.  
Allen, Albert  
Allen, Albert Edward09-07-191427-01-1998
Allen, Arthur William  
Allen, Athole Jack 21-03-2011
Allen, Basil John 15-02-1944
Allen, Cecil Charles Acland15-12-1894 
Allen, D.R. 13-12-1918
Allen, Derek Hurlstone 18-05-1940
Allen, Derrick John  
Allen, Douglas Newton  
Allen, Dudley Farquhar  
Allen, Edward Patrick  
Allen, Francis Frederick 03-02-1943
Allen, Frank Edward00-00-191501-08-1942
Allen, Frederick Fernley Edmund12-12-191229-06-2005more
Allen, G.W.  
Allen, Hubert Raymond "Dizzy"19-03-191931-05-1987
Allen, J.  
Allen, John 07-05-1945
Allen, John Frederick Woodward00-00-192129-11-1940
Allen, John Henry17-06-192021-09-1995
Allen, John Laurence 24-07-1940
Allen, Michael Seamer15-03-192506-06-2001
Allen, R. 01-06-1918
Allen, Reginald 19-09-1944
Allen, Reginald Ellithorne 12-06-1943
Allen, Robert Swinton24-07-191400-00-1982more
Allen, Roland William John  
Allen, Ronald James  
Allen, Thomas00-00-191500-00-1979
Allen, William26-04-192500-01-1973
Allen, William Ernest Chesney05-04-189413-11-1982
Allenby, George Thomas00-00-190809-02-1943
Alleyne, James Douglas07-10-187726-12-1946
Allington, Nicholas08-03-1921 
Allinson, Thomas Dixon  
Allison, Robert William  
Allison, Sydney Roy 00-00-1997
Alliston, Eric Austin 04-12-1943
Allsopp, David04-08-191709-09-1987
Allsopp, Henry Richard, 5th Baron Hindlip01-07-191219-12-1993
Allston, Walter Frederick 27-11-1944
Almey, Nathaniel Harry 14-10-1944
Alms, James Hill 26-02-1947
Alsop, Richard Gordon 26-10-1944
Altmann, Reginald Otto  
Ambler, Eric Clifford28-06-190922-10-1998
Amdor, A.  
Amelia, Mrs. Matty  
Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett "Leo"22-11-187316-09-1955
Amies, Edwin Hardy17-07-190905-03-2003
Amoore, Charles John Newnham 20-07-1918
Amor, Edgar William00-00-189219-12-1918
Amos, Frederick10-05-191400-07-1979
Amos, Walter David 11-04-1942
Amphlett, John Philip15-04-192129-03-1945
Ancil, Albert Joseph 12-04-1945
Anders, Robert Henry 21-11-1944
Anderson, Alan Ford21-11-191019-12-2002more
Anderson, Alexander 21-09-1944
Anderson, Alexander Vass "Sandy"17-11-189517-10-1963
Anderson, Alexander Wellwood 31-10-1944
Anderson, Colin Daintry 16-08-191907-04-1945
Anderson, Colin Skelton00-00-190400-00-1980
Anderson, David00-00-191917-11-1944
Anderson, Desmond Francis05-07-188529-01-1967more
Anderson, Donald Forsyth  
Anderson, Donald John19-04-1919 
Anderson, Eric15-09-191506-04-1943
Anderson, F.  
Anderson, Frederick Samuel  
Anderson, George Stewart 20-12-1942
Anderson, Gordon Melville 28-09-1944
Anderson, J.  
Anderson, James 31-10-0194
Anderson, James 19-10-1918
Anderson, James Clapham  
Anderson, Jim 07-02-2019
Anderson, John 07-01-1945
Anderson, John 23-10-1944
Anderson, John D'Arcy23-09-190816-04-1988
Anderson, John Gordon  
Anderson, John Thompson McKellar "Jock"12-01-191805-10-1943more
Anderson, John, 1st Viscount Waverley08-07-188204-01-1958more
Anderson, Kenneth  
Anderson, Kenneth Arthur Noel "Sunshine"25-12-189129-04-1959more
Anderson, Lennox Tod 25-09-1944
Anderson, Michael Herbert 10-05-1940
Anderson, Peter00-00-191222-10-1943
Anderson, Richard Frederick Noble  
Anderson, Robert Venable 29-04-1943
Anderson, Samuel 31-10-1944
Anderson, Walter A. 23-06-1943
Anderson, William Gowland 28-04-1944
Anderson, William Maurice Eyre "Bill"31-08-190813-12-1986
Anderson, William St. George  
Andrea, Peter George  
Andrew, James 06-03-1945
Andrew, Solomon Joseph Harold00-00-1924