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Overveen (Bloemendaal)
Dutch Honorary Cemetery Bloemendaal
Related persons
Dutch Honorary Cemetery Bloemendaal
Related persons
Abbink, Hendrik
* December 1st, 1911
† January 18th, 1945
Plot: 24
Arondeus, Willem Johan Cornelis
* August 22nd, 1894
† July 1st, 1943
Plot: 18
Assies, Markus "Max"
* January 26th, 1919
† June 6th, 1944
Plot: 23
Bakker, Albert
* June 10th, 1919
† December 28th, 1944
Plot: 22
Bakker, Luitje
* March 31st, 1918
† January 6th, 1945
Plot: 27
Bakker, Sjoerd
* June 10th, 1915
† July 1st, 1943
Plot: 18
Bakker, Stephanus Johannes Paul
* February 11th, 1900
† February 9th, 1945
Plot: 15
Balder, Jacob
* August 7th, 1900
† July 16th, 1944
Plot: 26
Beukman, Franciscus
* November 23rd, 1921
† March 8th, 1945
Plot: 37
Bloemgarten, Rudolf
* May 7th, 1920
† July 1st, 1943
Plot: 18
Boissevain, Gideon Willem "Gi"
* June 6th, 1921
† October 1st, 1943
Plot: 33
Boissevain, Jan Karel "Janka"
* May 24th, 1920
† October 1st, 1943
Plot: 33
Boissevain, Louis Daniël
* June 27th, 1922
† October 1st, 1943
Plot: 33
Bottema, Jan
* July 21st, 1908
† December 17th, 1944
Plot: 13
Brandligt, Wolter
* May 14th, 1901
† October 1st, 1943
Plot: 33 Row: XI Grave: 5
Brink, van den, Cornelis
* June 12th, 1923
† January 6th, 1945
Plot: 27
Broeckman, Antoine Theodore (Toon)
* July 18th, 1911
† October 1st, 1943
Plot: 33
Dirkzwager, Hillebrandt
* December 27th, 1897
† February 17th, 1945
Grave: 20
Douma, Catrinus
* June 6th, 1917
† February 9th, 1945
Plot: 1
Duwaer, Franciscus
* January 1st, 1911
† June 10th, 1944
Grave: 19
Ees, van, Henry (Hans)
* July 12th, 1922
† June 6th, 1944
Plot: 33
Eggink, Willem
* May 3rd, 1920
† April 1st, 1945
Grave: 30
Faber, Jan Hendrik
* March 31st, 1893
† December 15th, 1944
Plot: 8
Frijda, Leo Herman
* September 1st, 1923
† October 1st, 1943
Plot: 33
Genemans, Bernardus Gerardus Johannes
* May 15th, 1919
† February 12th, 1945
Plot: 35
Gerssen, Harm Hendrik
* April 6th, 1912
† February 23rd, 1944
Grave: 30
Geul, Henri Hugo (Hans)
* May 12th, 1916
† October 1st, 1943
Plot: 33
Geus, de, Dirk
* August 13th, 1906
† January 7th, 1945
Plot: 34
Gilse, van, Maarten
* June 12th, 1916
† October 1st, 1943
Grave: 33
Goris, Jacobus
* January 17th, 1901
† March 12th, 1945
Plot: 3
Gorter, Pieter
* March 17th, 1907
† March 8th, 1945
Gröger, Karl Borromaeus Richard Paul
* February 7th, 1918
† July 1st, 1943
Plot: 18 Row: 5 Grave: VI
Groot, de, Cornelis Hendrik
* September 13th, 1913
† March 8th, 1945
Plot: 38
Guermonprez, Paul Gustave Sidonie
* December 28th, 1908
† June 10th, 1944
Plot: 19
Gulikers, Pieter Joseph Hubert
* March 13th, 1893
† March 8th, 1945
Plot: 37
Haan, de, Jacob Izaak
* February 12th, 1909
† February 9th, 1945
Plot: 15
Haan, de, Lute Thijs
* November 18th, 1914
† May 16th, 1944
Plot: 6
Halberstadt, Henri
* February 10th, 1911
† July 1st, 1943
Grave: 18
Hall, van, Walraven "Wally"
* February 10th, 1906
† February 12th, 1945
Plot: 35
Hamel, van, Lodewijk Anne Rinze Jetze "Lodo"
* June 6th, 1915
† June 16th, 1941
Plot: 22
Hamelink, Jacob Jan
* July 24th, 1902
† October 18th, 1942
Plot: 22
Hanxleden Houwert, Johan Coenraad H. F. van
* April 8th, 1906
† January 7th, 1945
Plot: 34
Hanxleden Houwert, van, Johan Coenraad Heriold Folmer
* April 8th, 1906
† January 7th, 1945
Plot: 34
Hartogh, Coos
* April 10th, 1917
† July 1st, 1943
Grave: 18
Heijboer, Johannes Pieter
* March 8th, 1912
† April 14th, 1945
Grave: 4
Heinen, Hendrik Pieter
* November 28th, 1914
† June 6th, 1944
Grave: 23
Hoekstra, Hendrik Arius
* July 27th, 1901
† February 10th, 1945
Plot: 35
Hoogendoorn, Johannes
* December 21st, 1898
† May 20th, 1944
Plot: 41
Hordijk, Jacobus Lambertus
* September 5th, 1920
† January 7th, 1945
Plot: 34
Hos, Hendrik Pieter
* December 1st, 1906
† May 11th, 1944
Plot: 40
Jong, de, ds., Hendrik Roelof
* October 20th, 1911
† February 12th, 1945
Plot: 35
Jonge, de, Johan
* September 15th, 1919
† February 9th, 1945
Plot: 15
Jonker, Gerardus Cornelis
* October 16th, 1903
† January 4th, 1945
Grave: 28
Kalshoven, Johan Cornelis
* December 31st, 1922
† October 1st, 1943
Plot: 33
Katan, Hans
* August 9th, 1919
† October 1st, 1943
Plot: 33
Kemper, Johan Louis
* October 27th, 1922
† October 23rd, 1943
Plot: 14
Klijzing, Ernst Adrianus
* February 18th, 1923
† July 16th, 1944
Plot: 33
Kollewijn, Roeland Anthonie
* October 26th, 1920
† November 8th, 1944
Plot: 40
Koreman, Anton Jan Thomas (Tom)
* December 15th, 1915
† October 1st, 1943
Kroon, Dirk Mara Rijk Hendrik
* May 27th, 1909
† January 7th, 1945
Plot: 34
Kuiper, Abraham Kornelis (Bram)
* August 28th, 1922
† October 23rd, 1943
Plot: 33
Kuiper, Sape
* February 3rd, 1924
† October 1st, 1943
Plot: 33
Langedijk, Johannes
* May 7th, 1902
† March 8th, 1945
Plot: 37
Melle, Job Daniël van
* May 26th, 1897
† April 14th, 1945
Plot: 4
Mierlo, van, Johannes Michaël Hendrik
* October 21st, 1907
† October 1st, 1943
Plot: 33
Nieuwenhuijsen, Frederik
* October 3rd, 1905
† February 12th, 1945
Plot: 35
Nieuwenhuijsen, Frederik
* October 3rd, 1905
† February 12th, 1945
Plot: 35
Oosthoek, Bob
* June 25th, 1912
† October 12th, 1944
Plot: 1
Overeem, Jan
* June 3rd, 1917
† February 9th, 1945
Plot: 15
Pekelharing, Karel August
* April 6th, 1909
† June 10th, 1944
Plot: 19
Pleyte, Anton Marinus (Ton)
* June 8th, 1921
† October 1st, 1943
Plot: 33
Pooters, Petrus Antonius Martinus (Pam)
* August 28th, 1911
† October 1st, 1943
Plot: 33
Post, Johannes
* October 4th, 1906
† July 16th, 1944
Plot: 26
Reidsma, Leendert
* February 5th, 1919
† January 30th, 1945
Plot: 10
Remiëns, Dionisius (Dio)
* September 6th, 1919
† October 1st, 1943
Plot: 33
Rondaan, Lolle
* January 3rd, 1919
† February 16th, 1944
Plot: 25
Rot, Hermanus
* October 17th, 1896
† April 24th, 1945
Plot: 22
Rozeman, Albert Jan
* March 29th, 1914
† June 6th, 1944
Plot: 23
Ruys, Herman
* January 19th, 1923
† October 23rd, 1943
Plot: 14
Schaft, Jannetje Johanna (Hannie)
* September 16th, 1920
† April 17th, 1945
Plot: 22
Schipper, Jacob Pieter
* March 13th, 1895
† December 15th, 1944
Plot: 5
Schuil, Gerit
* December 15th, 1918
† February 16th, 1944
Plot: 25
Speelman, Willem Pieter
* January 20th, 1919
† February 19th, 1945
Plot: 35
Stapel, Gerrit Cornelis
* December 17th, 1912
† February 9th, 1945
Plot: 15
Swart, Hendrik Cornelis
* June 4th, 1917
† January 6th, 1945
Plot: 27
Tellegen, Antonius O.H.
* May 25th, 1907
† October 23rd, 1943
Plot: 14
Thomsen, Olaf Thingberg
* December 17th, 1919
† October 1st, 1943
Plot: 33
Vaumont, Marinus
* February 6th, 1896
† July 25th, 1944
Plot: 40
Veen, van der, Gerrit Jan
* November 26th, 1902
† June 10th, 1944
Plot: 19
Vegte, van der, Cornelis
* February 1st, 1900
† September 29th, 1941
Grave: 3
Visser, de, Andries Pieter
* September 27th, 1920
† February 17th, 1945
Plot: 20
Zee, van der, Wiepke
* May 6th, 1918
† June 6th, 1944
Plot: 23
Ziel, van der, Albert
* June 20th, 1908
† June 6th, 1944
Plot: 23
Zomeren, van, Andreas Johannes Leendert
* July 16th, 1920
† October 10th, 1941
Grave: 13
Zwaag, van der, Jan
* May 4th, 1905
† May 20th, 1944
Plot: 41
This is a part of
Dutch Honorary Cemetery Bloemendaal
Overveen (Bloemendaal)
North Holland